Locavorism: why focus on local products?
Becoming a locavore: a gesture far from trivial and truly virtuous. Not convinced? The proof in 4 points on the benefits of short circuits!
Local products are more environmentally friendly
When choosing your fruits, vegetables or poultry, bet on local and seasonal products, which require little (if any) transport to reach your cooking pots. Lemon, melon, asparagus, lamb, goat cheese: depending on the region where you are, you will surely find delicious local specialties to put on your menu. Also note that to reduce your ecological footprint, the ideal is to bet on raw products, requiring little or no packaging. An ecological kitchen is indeed above all a kitchen that uses products as they are, naturally and not or little processed.
They are cheaper
Fruits, vegetables and other local products are often less expensive when they have grown or have been produced close to the point of sale. The best is to buy them directly from the producer. This saves on transport costs by truck (or worse by plane), which are automatically passed on to the price per kilo.
They are fresher
Local products did not travel for long hours or days. They are always fresher than those that come from the other side of Europe or the world and therefore tastier. Freshly picked fruits and vegetables are yours!
They support the local economy
Buying local, if possible directly, is finally an excellent way to support local producers and contribute to the valorization of their work as well as a fairer remuneration. By buying products from your region, you become an actor of change, towards a fairer and greener economy. A nice program in perspective.